new iphone 4 Users Dating Habits

247 new iphone 4 owners across the country happened to be interviewed (I know perhaps not a tremendously huge sample pool) by Retervo to make a snapshot profile of a typical individual. Here are the highlights of what they revealed:

Matter: The thing that makes someone more attractive, a college degree or cool gadgets?

  • According to research by the study 75 percent of iphone 3gs proprietors would rather date someone with cool products.

Question: Perhaps you have texted or emailed someone to break-up together?

  • 33 percent of new iphone customers have done this.

matter: Would it be a turnoff in case your spouse had older, out-of-date gadgets?

  • Again 33 per cent of iphone 3gs proprietors agree totally that it could be a turn off.

Question: Do you actually make use of your phone to watch mature material?

  • 20 percent of new iphone owners declare to searching for porn.

This demonstrably isn’t a serious review and much more of a marketing gimmick by Retrevo. In addition, it paints new iphone users as extremely shallow individuals who just imagine themselves, that we learn several aren’t. ????

To learn exactly what otherwise tends to make new iphone proprietors tick, study Retrevo. For adult dating sites which use cellular phones such as the iPhone, see our cell phone Dating category.

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